Taking Off

Taking Off Latin America  BooK 1       Taking Off Latin America  BooK 2       Taking Off Latin America  BooK 3

                      Taking Off 1                                                    Taking Off 2                                                   Taking Off 3



Taking Off Latin America  BooK 4        Taking Off Latin America  BooK 5       Taking Off Latin America  BooK 6

                       Taking Off 4                                                   Taking Off 5                                                    Taking Off 6


Taking Off aims to polish learners’ English skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing. The books are designed with careful attention for the needs and interests of students at each stage to improve comprehension and writing abilities. It is designed to help students develop strong language and communication skills that will serve them well in college and beyond.


- Student's Book

- Workbook

- Web School

- AR App

- Teacher's Guide

- Downloadable Resources


To find more about Taking Off Click here https://egp.liveabc.com/takingoff/

Or scan our QR code Taking Off



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  • Contact us at : (+886) 2-2578-2626 

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e-lab Web School